Carmel Hill and River Class I Bicycle Trail Project
DD&A conducted an environmental analysis of the proposed 1.7 mile paved bicycle trail and several alternative alignments for the Carmel Hill and River Class I Bicycle Trail Project, located in Carmel, California.
Natural Resource Division (NRD) tasks included all biological documentation for the project, including rare plant surveys, a wetland delineation, and a Biological Assessment per Caltrans standards. Evaluation of potential impacts to the federally listed California red-legged frog and Smith’s blue butterfly were primary issues. Additionally, the NRD produced a Biological Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP), including a planting plan for wetland, riparian, and Smith’s blue butterfly habitats.
DD&A’s planning division prepared an EIR for the project, which resulted in adoption of one of the analyzed alternatives, a shortened trail. The NRD then completed the regulatory permit acquisition for this alternative, which included a California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement, Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit, a Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Permit, and a Coastal Development Permit. DD&A also completed the pre-construction and construction-phase monitoring for California red-legged frog and other wildlife species and oversaw the installation of the restoration.
Carmel Hill and River Bicycle Trail Pre-Project (April 9, 2008)
Carmel Hill and River Class I Bicycle Trail Post-Project and Riparian Restoration (November 22, 2011)
Carmel Hill and River Class I Bicycle Trail Riparian Restoration Progress (November 8, 2011)
Carmel Hill and River Class I Bicycle Trail Riparian Restoration Progress (March 5, 2012)