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“Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. (DD&A) has provided environmental consulting services to the Monterey County Public Works Department on a number of projects of various types, including road widening, bridge reconstruction, bicycle trails, and abandoning rights-of-way.
Most recently DD&A was the primary environmental consultant to the County on the State Highway 1 Climbing Lane, a $5.0 million project that widened ¾ mile of State highway to provide a second uphill lane through the community of Carmel.  The project was located in the Coastal Zone, and involved a number of sensitive environmental issues, including visual aesthetics, loss of valuable habitat and vegetation including California oak and Monterey pine trees, storm water pollution prevention, noise abatement, and a vocal community of residents living immediately adjacent to the project site.  DD&A was contracted to prepare the CEQA Initial Study for the project, to prepare the biological impact assessment and to oversee the work of specialty sub consultants for forestry impacts, noise abatement, and construction-related traffic congestion, and to prepare the proposed impact mitigation program, the CEQA Negative Declaration, and the Coastal Permit application and mitigation program.
DD&A worked closely with and as a participating part of a large and complex multi-discipline project team which included the County Public Works Department, the County Department of Planning & Building Inspection, Caltrans District 5 engineering and environmental staff, the design engineering consultant, the construction management consultant, the construction contractor, and the community.  DD&A Staff also participated in a number of community meetings and public hearings before the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
Throughout the process of implementing this project the caliber of DD&A’s technical work was thorough and complete, and at all times their staff was knowledgeable and professional, earning the respect of professional peers, elected officials, and members of the community.”
G.H. Nichols, P.E.
Deputy Public Works Director – Engineering
County of Monterey